Place born
Organisation / Person

Wright, Elsie

1901 - 1903

1898-1931, recording company; gramophone and radio manufacturer, British

Gramophone Company Limited

1898 - 1931

active 1897-1968, laboratory apparatus and instrument maker, London, England

Baird and Tatlock (London) Limited

1897 - 2012

1895-1980s, manufacturer of medicinal lozenges, England

Iron Jelloids Company Limited


1901-1987, electrical & electronic engineering equipment manufacturer, England, British

Ferranti Limited

1901 - 1987

active 1898-1968, compressor/engineering product manufacture, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, British

Broom and Wade Limited

1898 - 1968

1896-1947, scientific instrument and radio manufacturer, Cambridge

W G Pye and Company Limited

1896 - 1947

active 1901-1980s, microscope & accessory manufacturer, Manchester, England

Flatters and Garnett Limited

1901 - 1967

1897-1978, toy maker, Harborne, Birmingham, England

Chad Valley Company Limited

1897 - 1978

1895-c.1950, gas and laboratory equipment manufacturer, Warrington, Cheshire, England

Fletcher Russell and Company Limited


source; model railway maker

Richards, J P

1902 - 1999

1897-1987, electrical instrument maker, Orpington, Kent, England

H W Sullivan Limited

1897 - 1987

1901-1951, optical, lens, camera and cinematographic equipment manufacturer, Birmingham

Aldis Brothers

1901 - 1951

1899-1963, electronic communication equipment manufacturer, England, British

Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company Limited

1900 - 1963

1896-present, transport service, Glasgow

Glasgow Underground


1901-, manufacturer of Dr. Martens boots, England

R. Griggs Group Limited


active 1902-1990, surgical and medical equipment maker, Leeds, England

Charles F Thackray Limited

1902 - 1990

Cantlie, Kenneth

1899 - 1986

British Vacuum Cleaner Company Limited


1852 - current (2009), manufacturer of ceramics, Chodziez, Poland



1897-1948, optical, mathematical & philosophical instrument maker, London, England

Ross Limited

1897 - 1948

1899-current (2021), inventor; manufacturer of electrical goods, American

Ever Ready Company


1896-1985, poster artist; marine and landscape artist, British

Sherwin, Frank

1896 - 1985

1898-1970, training establishment, London, England

London School of Weaving

1898 - 1970

1895-1990s, poster printer; printer, London; St Albans, Hertfordshire

Dangerfield Printing Company Limited


active 1902-1945, manufacturer of medical supplies, London & Liverpool, England

Evans Sons, Lescher and Webb Limited

1902 - 1945

Kadoorie, Lawrence (CBE)

1899 - 1993

1901-1979, inventor; photographer, British

Spencer, Douglas Arthur

1901 - 1979

Villa, Leo

1899 - 1901

1897-1969, electrical engineer & electron microscope pioneer, German

Knoll, Max

1897 - 1969

The Daily Mail


1895-2013, manufacturer of cine cameras, Braille transcribers and electronic components, Camden Town, London

Ernest F. Moy Limited

1895 - 2013

1896-1967, telecommunications equipment manufacturer; scientific instruments, Cambridge, England

Pye Limited

1896 - 1967

1897-1932, physician; surgeon; collector, German

Hollander, Eugen

1897 - 1932

1900-1998, electrical/electronic measurement instrument manufacturer, England

Marconi Instruments Limited

1900 - 1998

1900-1907, manufacturer of electrical measuring equipment, Glasgow, Scotland

Kelvin and White

1900 - 1907

1898-1915, magazine, English; British

The Girl's Realm

1811 - 1911

1898- c 1935, film production company, cinematography and photographic equipment manufacturer, Hove, England (latter London)

Williamson Kinematograph Company Limited


1900-1995, manufacturer of earthenware; manufacturer of majolica, Stoke on Trent, England

Grimwades Limited

1900 - 1995

1898-1972, ship, boat, aeroplane and marine engine builder, East Cowes, Isle of Wight, England

J. Samuel White and Company Limited

1898 - 1972

1900-1907, camera manufacturer, Rochester, United States

Century Camera Co

1900 - 1907

1895-1950s?, dispensing chemist; manufacturing chemist, London

Lewis and Burrows Limited


active 1919-1959, electrical equipment manufacturer, Trafford Park, Cheshire, England; London, England, British

Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company Limited


Kadoorie, Horace (CBE)

1902 - 1995

Cox, Earnest Stewart

1900 - 1992

1901-1986, amateur astonomer, British; English

Dall, Horace Edward

1901 - 1986

1897-2012, manufacturer of steam turbines, Newcastle Upon Tyne, England, British

Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Company Limited

1897 - 2012

1896-1959, electrical equipment manufacturer, British

British Thomson-Houston Company Limited

1896 - 1959

active 1900-1910s, manufacturer of time recorders. London, England

British Time Recorder Company Limited


1897-1989, manufacturer of scientific glassware and X-ray tubes, United States

Machlett Laboratories Inc